Of course it is expensive to travel over the Christmas holidays. Any time the kids are out of school is high season. Try travelling right on Christmas day for somewhat cheaper packages, and if you are giving in to the temptation of bringing gifts with you (Why? Is the vacation not enough?), remember to leave all packages unwrapped for customs. Over the years, we have begun to cheat a little. Instead of travelling right over Christmas, we make sure we have the trip planned in time for Christmas. Wrap up some e-tickets, throw some goggles and sunscreen in the stockings, gum for the plane and a trashy magazine or two, and you are good to go! My favourite Christmas was the year I wrapped trip clues for Christmas. The first child was mystified to unwrap a wooden letter "U". The next child unwrapped an "R". The next gift was a small toy plane, then a number "2" and the last gift was luggage tags for Disney World. "U R flying 2 Disney World!" Hokey but fun!
This year, we are really pushing it. Merry Christmas kids, you are going to Italy! In July. Well, some things are worth waiting for, aren't they?